Faculty of Information Management History

The ever growing nature of ITM in the past, i.e. expanding existing programmes and introducing new ones to fulfill the national development agenda, has been affecting the physical set-up and the branding of many schools in the ITM system. As part of the ITM population, the School of Library Science, as this faculty was known before, was no different. During its formative years, the School of Library Science conducted a full time program to prepare post-high school students for the professional qualification - Associate of Library Science (ALA-UK). The school later designed its own Malaysian curriculum, launched in 1972 - Diploma in Library Science for holders of Higher School Certificates, and Postgraduate Diploma in Library Science for university graduates. In keeping up with national and international developments, the School has been conducting regular curriculum reviews resulting in the integration of information science components into the curriculum. Hence, the change of the school name to "School of Library and Information Science" in 1979. With the addition of Archival and Records Management under the big umbrella of "Information", the school name was changed again to "Faculty of Information Studies" in 1997. The current name, "Faculty of Information Management" has been in use since 2005 as a result of UiTM's regrouping of various academic programmes and disciplines campus-wide. The chronology below documents the change of names from 1968 to the present:
1968-1969 Department of Library Science, School of Public Administration and Law, Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM)
1970-1978 School of Library Science, Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM)
1979-1996 School of Library and Information Science, Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM)
1997-1999 Faculty of Information Studies, Institut Teknologi MARA (ITM)
1999-2005 Faculty of Information Studies, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
2005 - now Faculty of Information Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)

The Faculty of Information Management has moved premise seven times over a period of 36 years of its existence. The longest that the Faculty had stayed in one premise was about fourteen years, in the Jalan Othman Campus. At the Shah Alam main campus during 1996 - 2003, the faculty operated from two premises, the Menara SAAS and the new UMNO building in section 11, Shah Alam. The shortest period of stay was just nine months at the Academic 3 Complex from October 2003 to May 2004, before the move to Puncak Perdana Campus in June 2004. The chronology below documents the change of premises from 1968 to the present:

ITM Jalan Othman Campus

1968 - 1972

ITM Shah Alam, Menara Levels 12 & 13

1972 - 1979

ITM Jalan Othman Campus

1979 - 1993

UiTM shah Alam, Complex Tahir Majid

1994 - 1996

UiTM Shah Alam, Level 4, Menara Sultan Salahudin Abdul Aziz Shah and the UMNO buildings Section 11, Shah Alam

1996 - 2003

UiTM Shah Alam, Academic 3 Complex

Oct 2003 - May 2004

UiTM, Puncak Perdana Campus, Section U10, Shah Alam

June 2004 - present

Throughout these seven major physical relocations, the School had always maintained the necessary teaching and learning facilities which are unique to library and information science education, namely, Cataloging and Classification Lab, Audio Visual Lab, Archival and Preservation Lab, Computer Lab, in addition to classrooms, seminar rooms, administrative office, faculty and staff workplace. At the present Puncak Perdana campus, the faculty has become the pioneer for UiTM once more in establishing the modern and conductive facilities for teaching, learning and research in the four main fields of study. The branch library for Puncak Perdana Campus serves not only the students and staff in the Faculty of Information Management but also those of the Faculty of Performing Arts.